Wednesday 7 November 2012

Rainbow Monday: Pierre Hermé macarons

Pierre Hermé - a famous French pasty all over the world, especially its Macarons! I have been to Paris for several times and aimed to taste all the famed Macarons. Actually, they all have different advantage and disadvantage which depends on what is fit your mind. For the taste of Macaron, my first ranking is - Pierre Hermé. The taste is so delicate, the flavour is wonderful and interesting, and the best thing is not too sweet! Every single bite just like in the heaven and so enjoyable. 

This year, Pierre Hermé creates themed seasonal collection - " Les Jardins de Pierre Hermé." Every month will have a new taste and sensory experience, just like a tour of garden sweet delights! 

Jardin Parfumé

Jardin Du Paradis

Jardin Secret

Jardin Marin

Jardin Enchanté

Jardin D'Antan

Jardin D'Éden

Jardin Sauvage

Jardin Oriental

Jardin D'Été

!!! Happy Rainbow Monday !!!

(images courtesy of Pierre Hermé)